One day or day one…
One of my favourite motivational quotes.
It’s extremely cliche, but it’s true, it applies to nearly all things you want to start.
Today I did my first 6 proper cold calls.
I had been putting if off for a long time and today was the day I finally decided to do it properly.
You are going to be awful
You are going to suck, its your first day, no one is a master at it on their first day. Everyone struggles at first. If I listen back to the cold calls in a years time, or even a few weeks time, I will cringe at the sound of me failing so badly. You have to get through the first 100 before you become any good at it. I’m guessing at around 100 cold calls I’ll be miles better than I am currently, that’s the hope atleast.
Putting it off
A lot of people keep putting it off, they say things like “I’m gonna start playing guitar one day” or “Maybe one day I’ll have the time to go to the gym”. This is a horrible habit to get into, because as your life fills up with more stuff, you will inevitably never get around to doing it, what’s stopping you from doing it right now? You don’t have time? Take a quick look at your phone screen time, the gym only takes 45 minutes, practicing an instrument or learning a language only takes 30 minutes. I guarantee you that you could just use your phone for an hour left and find the time.
Just do it
Nike’s old moto, just do it, stop watching the motivational speeches or doing more and more preperation, just do it. Start today, stop reading this blog post, get off your bum, stand up and go and do it. If you are going to do it eventually you might aswell just do it now, if you have time to read this article then just do it. Still reading? GO AND DO IT.
My Experience
I suffer from a horrible case of ADHD, people tell me I have it, I like to think about it differently, what if I can prove them wrong, what if I stop leaving it to the last minute and just get up and do it now, what would their reaction be to seeing it just be done, instead of knowing to expect failure from me, what if I actually produced work and did what I said I was going to do. I often leave things to the last minute, knowing I can become “disaster recovery Joey” and then fix all the mess when it happens, i can come up with a good enough excuse, or make up some lie, but I’ve got to actively stop myself, catch myself watching youtube, and do the work.
It’s Simple
It’s simple for me, all it takes for me to be able to work is for me to identify that I’m putting it off, then it becomes easy. I think of why I don’t want to do it, then do that first, I think of the disaster that’s gonna happen at the end, then I sit down and I do it, I catch myself doing anything fun or any sort of procratsinating when the thing isn’t done yet? I stop myself, I sit down and I do it. It’s hard, but it’s the only way that works for me, far simpler said than done.